Day: Mon, 14-Jun Time: 09:00 - 09:20 Chairs: Ciarán O'Reilly and Jenny Jerrelind
Welcome to rev2021 Day 1!
Here, there is an opening ceremony for the conference.
All participants are welcomed and an overview of the conference is provided.
Opening Address
Day: Mon, 14-Jun Time: 09:20 - 09:50 Chairs: Ciarán O'Reilly and Jenny Jerrelind
Research and development strategies for resource efficient vehicles
Staffan Berglund
Staffan is Director of Engineering at Scania Group and Chairman of the Board of the Centre for ECO2 Vehicle Design.
The transport industry has always worked to develop resource efficiency in vehicles to meet the customers’ demands. Now in the context of sustainability, the transport industry must improve their strategies to support even faster problem solving with an even better holistic view. This presentation looks at how the ECO2 strategies – of taking a cross-scalar view, solving cross-functional conflicts, and promoting cross-fertilisation of ideas – contribute to resource efficient vehicles.
Human-Vehicle Interaction I
Day: Mon, 14-Jun Time: 10:00 - 10:40 Chairs: Mikael Nybacka and Jenny Jerrelind
Autonomous driving and motion sickness – an outlook on causes, evaluation methods and solutions
Ilhan Yunus, Jenny Jerrelind and Lars Drugge
An experiment in efficient interaction between a passenger and AI in an Autonomous Vehicle through an Aurovisual communication model
Peer Sathikh, Guan Yi Tan and Zong Rui Dexter Fang
Psychoacoustic perspectives on electric truck
Maria Ekman
Human-Vehicle Interaction II
Day: Mon, 14-Jun Time: 11:00 - 11:40 Chairs: Margriet Van Schijndel-de Nooij and Carlos Casanueva Perez
Optimising tyre wear and exploring its conflict with comfort
Georgios Papaioannou, Jenny Jerrelind and Lars Drugge
Human Machine Interface: A review for future applications in train driving
Simon Enjalbert, Livia Maria Gandini, Alexandre Pereda-Baños, Stefano Ricci and Frederic Vanderhaegen
Objective development in driving simulator motion control: Evaluation of motion cueing using a linearised driving simulator model
Henrik Hvitfeldt, Jenny Jerrelind and Lars Drugge
Component Design
Day: Mon, 14-Jun Time: 11:50 - 12:30 Chairs: Giuseppe Petrone and Per Wennhage
Structural analysis of vehicle frames using higher-order beams
Jaeyong Kim, Gang-Won Jang and Yoon Young Kim
Design of multifunctional structures using topology optimization for conflicting structural and acoustic requirements
Johan Larsson, Peter Göransson and Per Wennhage
Redesign and structural optimization for lightweighting of a truck door
Jan Stroobants, Freek de Bruijn, Saïcha Gerbinet, Jean Pierre Heijster, Carlos López, Reginald Diltoer, Jasper Mols, Johan Potargent, Angélique Léonard, Elke Deckers, Bert Pluymers and Philip Eyckens
Mingle Discussions
Day: Mon, 14-Jun Time: 13:30 - 14:10 Chairs: Susann Boij and Peter Göransson
The rev2021 networking forum
Welcome to the social and networking forum of the conference!
Throughout the conference, the virtual meeting space Gather.Town is available in parallel to the main Zoom meetings, so connecting and discussing with other participants is just a click away.
In this session, Gather.Town is introduced. The day’s speakers are available to discuss their presentations. Also, participants can discuss the conference’s hot topics, contribute with new topics, or have spontaneous meetings and chats with others.
Driveline Aspects
Day: Mon, 14-Jun Time: 14:20 - 15:00 Chairs: José Luis Olazagoitia and Eva Lundberg
Methodology for the design of Stirling thermoacoustic engines based on the reactive power
Carmen Iniesta, Jaime Gros, José Luis Olazagoitia, Jordi Vinolas and Javier Aranceta
Hydrogen powered trains challenges: normative constraints and operational assessment
Livia Maria Gandini, Stefano Ricci and Francesca Verrascina
Product cost assessment in the early development phase of powertrain systems
Simon Röhrenbacher, Oliver Moerth-Teo, Lukas Schwarz, Hans Schnöll and Christian Ramsauer
Energy Consumption I
Day: Mon, 14-Jun Time: 15:20 - 16:00 Chairs: Mario Hirz and Malte Rothhämel
A more efficient braking system for heavy vehicles
Pontus Fyhr and Leon Henderson
Development of rolling resistance measurement set-up in order to enable energy optimisation of vehicle-road interaction taking into account safety and performance
Lisa Ydrefors, Mattias Hjort, Sogol Kharrazi, Jenny Jerrelind and Annika Stensson Trigell
Regenerative braking for an electric vehicle with a high-speed drive at the front axle
Ektor Karyotakis, Rémi Mongellaz and Mathias Lidberg
Keynote I
Day: Mon, 14-Jun Time: 16:10 - 16:50 Chairs: Mathilda Karlsson Hagnell and Romain Rumpler
A sustainable transport sector: Opportunities and challenges in the European Green Deal context
Marzia Traverso
Marzia is Professor and head of the Institute of Sustainability in Civil Engineering at RWTH Aachen.
After the Paris Agreement the European Union has developed the European Green Deal which represents the response to the challenges the world and Europe are facing in reducing its impact to the climate change. It is a growth strategy proposed by the von der Leyen Commission to make Europe the first climate neutral continent by 2050. The main idea is to transform the economy into a clean and circular system, while cutting pollution and …